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Women Impacting Public Policy 

Apr 7

1 min read




This national organization defends and advocates for women business owners so that they can create connections with other business organizations, produce more economic opportunities, change public policies and ultimately help women grow their businesses. This non-ptofit is nonpartisan and focuses solely on policies that are best for female business proprietors.

WIPP does not fund any political campaigns or support specific candidates. WIPP collects information and shares it with its members. It tracks and reviews all legislation related to female-run businesses and also tells its members how specific legislators will vote on certain matters affecting these businesses.

This group offers various eduational opportunitites and has a program to support and encourage women-owned small businesses specifically with regard to government contracts. The government does business with less than 5% of women-owned small businesses and this disparity is what WIPP wants to address. WIPP procures more opportunities for women to obtain capital for their businesses and to be awarded governement contracts.

Apr 7

1 min read





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